Willowdale Women

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Stepping Out Into the Darkness

Sitting on my porch, watching darkness take over the night sky, it dawned on me that sometimes you have to walk out into the dark and face being uncomfortable and not sure of what’s ahead.

We are in a season of wondering what is next with growing our family. We keep trying different avenues and none of them seem to be working out. When it’s dark out like tonight, I can’t see the sky to tell if a storm is brewing or if sunshine will rise in the morning. Do you ever feel this way? Maybe you’re facing a difficult-to-diagnose medical condition or your job took an unexpected turn. I believe when we cannot see, we must just continue to obey. Listen to the inner voice of the Holy Spirit that prods at our hearts and take the next step forward without knowing the entire footpath.

I find this scripture to be so comforting:

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make straight your paths

Close your eyes and ask God to give you peace and tell you on what path to place your precious feet. You may be scared, but you can put your foot down because you DO know the God who sees where that trail is headed.I think we can step out in confidence when things are unknown because we have a God who sees all and has His and our best in mind).

Transition is painful. Waiting with a blindfold on: plain exhausting. But I tell you what, I’m doing it scared.

I’ve found that another great way to face uncertainty is to do it with those we love. Reach out to those around you, because the path can go downhill quickly and it’s far less scary with your tribe by your side. Maybe you need to get connected. There are lots of ladies here at Willowdale that would love to pray for you and with you.

We need Jesus. We need each other. The darkness will turn into light. Sometimes people’s darkness remains dark for a very long time-- sometimes even their whole lives. So if that’s true, what can we cling to in the meantime? What truths do you believe about God? His goodness? His sovereignty? The hope He provides? We just need to continue taking the next step ahead and trust that He has a plan even when we don’t see it yet.