Willowdale Women

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New Year, New You!

I keep hearing people say “new year, new you!” The problem is, I don’t feel new. The year is barely a week old and I feel overwhelmed and overburdened. I feel like I can’t do even one more thing, that the tasks ahead of me are too many. Work. Home. Friends. Family. Laundry. Dinner. Cleaning. I feel pulled in so many directions that I can’t possibly do it all, like I am not enough. I feel like the needs of those around me are too great. I just can’t do it.

As I am reflecting on this feeling, it is dawning on me that I’ve been trying to do everything by myself. Again. I have not been abiding in Jesus. Again. I say again because this is not the first or even fiftieth time that I have reached this very same conclusion about myself. Periodically, I get to a place where I feel like I can’t. During each of those times, once I am able to do so, I reflect and see that I have been trying to tackle everything around me in my own strength, making little room for the spiritual. I see that my prayer life has been minimal. My Bible-reading has been inconsistent. Time in my daily devotional has dwindled to once or twice a week. I haven’t been going to small group or thinking about each week’s sermon.

In these times of weariness, Matthew 11:28-30 is just what I need to hear. The Message version reads, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Jesus asks us to simply come to Him and He will give us rest. Sounds so easy to do, right? Yet I find myself repeatedly forgetting this truth. Maybe not even forgetting it so much as hurrying past it. Thankfully, God doesn’t give up. He keeps pursuing. I keep putting down what is right and filling my time with everything else and He keeps reminding me that there is a better way. I would love to say that this is the last time I’ll need to hear this message, that I have once and for all learned to rely on God. But, if I’m being honest, that is likely not true.

In the meantime,  I must, on a daily basis, doggedly ask God for what I need. I need to keep prayer as an essential and continual part of each day. And I need a buddy to remind me to rely on Jesus and stop trying to do it all myself. I have someone in mind who would be perfect for that role. Maybe you need a buddy too?


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