Willowdale Women

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I Had A Baby...During A Pandemic

I had a baby…during a pandemic.

I was a birth center mom transferred to the hospital…during a pandemic.

My baby was almost four weeks early…during a pandemic.

I was informed I needed to go to the hospital to be induced.  In a time of such unknown; a deadly virus lurking about; when we were told to stay home; wear a mask if you must go out.  Here I was with my precious unborn, weeks early, heading right to where the virus was. It was all going wrong!

What did I do?  I prayed.  Please God, take it all!  Keep us safe.  Bring us home quickly! 

Before heading to the hospital, I reached out to two good friends in faith - “Please pray for us, we are heading to the hospital.”  I received instant replies. 

Then I felt it.  It was like a lightning bolt.  The initial shock of almost instant anxiety relief.  Then, like a bolt branching across the sky, the prayers spread and the light enveloped me.  I started receiving texts from friends, my MOPs groups and leaders in our church.  My mind eased and my excitement of holding my baby grew.  I felt more at peace with what was happening.  I felt the joy only God could provide! 

The next morning, Cormac William was born.  I saw the joy. He was a pretty sturdy 6 lbs. 9 oz.  He was able to stay with me and my husband.  He was monitored. 

The first 24 hours were the hardest.  His blood sugar was too low.  That night his tiny foot was pricked every one to two hours.  In the early hours of the next morning they said he’d have to go to the NICU -- where, because of the times, only I could see him, but every two hours.  They gave us one more hour.  So I prayed -- for health and the nurses' hands.  He was pricked again and our prayers answered! 

Not the end of this little man's struggles, as another prick tested positive for jaundice.  At 24 hours old, he was placed under the UV light.  I could only hold him to nurse.  He was only allowed to be comforted with a pacifier too big for his mouth.  

I prayed.  I reached out to others.  I prayed again.  My worries went to God.  My comfort came from Him. 

And then came more answers!  While under the lights, he was cleared of any low blood sugar problems.  About 12 hours later after so many pricks, the tech’s checking both feet to find a spot that was not bruised, he was back to his bassinet.  At a little over 48 hours old, he was cleared to go home (healthy babies were being sent home after 24 hours because of virus precautions)!  JOY!

I had a baby during a pandemic.  When we had to stay home.  When people could not visit.  When fear and worry ran rampant.  It was hard. Some showed us love in a meal and a short chat at a distance!  Others loved in texts, calls, zooms, and prayers. Cormac and I continued a long battle with eating and sleeping.  We continued to pray.  All my prayer warriors were there!  The prayers continued to bring us comfort, gratefulness, and happiness!  

Cormac is now three months old.  He eats like a champ!  He is growing steadily.  He’s sleeping longer stretches.  He’s smiling.  He’s giggling.  He’s a snuggle monster!  

I had a preemie during a pandemic. Oh, the power of prayer!  When everything felt wrong, I now know everything turned out right!  God brought us light.  Faithfulness.  Love.  Hope.  JOY!  With baby Cormac we have so much JOY!

So happens to be the verse of the day on Bible Gateway:

Psalms 18:30 - As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in Him.




A former teacher, coach and personal trainer, Kristin Ryan now loves being a stay-at-home mom. As someone who has more recently found Christianity, she enjoys learning and growing in her faith and is excited to share her experience with others. Kristin and her husband, Casey, have three small children and one big dog.



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