
What being a friend at all times can look like

What being a friend at all times can look like

Friendships haven’t always been easy for me. In high school I really struggled with not fitting in and not having close friends. I had low self-esteem and was so self-conscious. The harder I tried to get others to like me, the more I pushed them away. It was painful and there were many tearful drives to school as I contemplated another day of feeling insecure amidst my peers, wanting nothing more than to belong. I wondered if I would ever make friends or be accepted for who I was. 

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You are not alone in feeling alone—Part 1

You are not alone in feeling alone—Part 1

We all long to feel that we have a sense of belonging with other people who make us feel accepted and well loved. Maybe you realize this and maybe you don’t, but I don’t think I am alone in expressing this idea.

Jennie Allen authors the book, “Find Your People.” This amazing Christian author was on Good Morning America talking about this best-selling title. Why? Because our society is aching for more than just relating to other humans through likes and comments on social media.