The Christmas Sandwich

Like many parents this time of year, I have been asking my children what they would like from Santa  for Christmas.  Much to my surprise, both of my sons responded with “a sandwich.”  I questioned them further, “A sandwich? That’s it?” and their additional response was almost an afterthought “A sandwich…and Legos.”  So a sandwich and Legos was what Santa needed to deliver this year.  I figured I would wait a few days and bring it up again since six-year-olds are known to change their minds.  Well, a few days later I received the exact same answers.  Knowing I may very well have to make these requested sandwiches, I asked them what kind of sandwich they would want Santa to bring.  Dylan responded with “A breakfast sandwich!” Okay, easy enough, Santa apparently frequents Wawa like the rest of us.  Kyle’s response, however, was a bit more unexpected.  Kyle simply stated “A Christmas sandwich.”  I immediately asked him what was in a Christmas sandwich, and with a grand gesture of his arms and all of the drama he could muster (he gets it from his mama), he states “alllll the things of Christmas!”  

So here I am, determined to make this an amazing Christmas for my children because of how challenging the year has been for all of us, and this is the task I am given.  I need to take what is basically an imaginary sandwich and bring it to life.  In the midst of quizzing my friends on what they would include in such a sandwich, it occurred to me how sweet it is that out of anything they could have requested from Santa, they picked something as simple as a sandwich.  The beauty of it is that if all they received under the tree on Christmas morning is a Lego set or two and the requested sandwiches, they would be thrilled.  Talk about finding joy in the little things!  

How often do we as adults take the little things, like a yummy sandwich, for granted?  I know I am guilty of getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of the daily grind and forgetting the little gifts that God has given me.  Philippians 4:11-13 reads, 

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.”  

Jesus is the key to finding joy in our lives, especially when we are seeking to appreciate something as simple as a sandwich.  It is only through Him that we can be content in every situation.

With the holiday season upon us, I think we could all learn something from my little dudes this year.  Let’s try not to get caught up in what the holidays are not this year, due to the global pandemic.  Let’s focus on all of the little things that God has given us to help make our holiday season and time spent with our families extra special.  We may not be able to see as many relatives as usual and we may not be able to do all of our favorite seasonal activities, but we have each other, a roof to live under, and food in our bellies.  For me, this holiday season, I am going to let that be enough.

PS – It turns out, a “Christmas sandwich” (according to Kyle) is simply peanut butter & jelly with no crust.


Lisa Replogle has had a long, ever-changing journey in her relationship with Christ, and she is excited to share what she has learned along the way. She is a certified early childhood and special education teacher and currently teaches high school multiple disability support. She spends her time outside the classroom sharing her passion for dance with local groups for individuals with special needs. Lisa and her husband are the parents of six-year-old identical twin boys. 


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CHRISTMAS 2020 at Willowdale Chapel 

We hope you’ll join us for our online service Christmas Service and outdoor caroling and devotions on December 23 and 24, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior! For more details, click here.