Willowdale Women

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How He Reveals Himself

For as long as I can remember, I have always found comfort in nature. The crash of the ocean waves, a good thunderstorm, and the sun shining through the clouds are a few of my favorite things. There is an indescribable beauty found in these pieces of the earth that surrounds us. I never thought much of it; I figured it was simply something beautiful so naturally I would cherish it and find peace in it. It wasn’t until recently, when a woman from my bible study group mentioned it, that I even considered this being a form of God revealing Himself to me.

During our weekly Bible study this spring, we began each meeting discussing a rose, a bud, or a thorn. These were metaphors for something going well, something that could be the beginnings of something new or great, or something that was not going so well. At the start of one of our studies, a member shared her “rose” of how God revealed himself to her in nature. It was like a lightbulb went off for me. I had never thought of it that way! THAT was why I felt such solace on a bright sunny day or walking along the beach listening to the ocean waves and feeling the sand between my toes. It wasn’t simply the beauty of nature that was comforting to me, it was that there was God in that creation and in that moment. 

This realization made me start thinking about other calming things in my life and if it was possible that God was also using them to bring me this peace and guide me in the right direction. I instantly thought of music. If you did a search through this blog for all of my previous posts, you would find that almost all of them mention a song. It seems pretty obvious to me now, but I suppose everything is clearer in hindsight! I cannot express the number of times when something was weighing heavy on my heart, I tuned into a favorite station on Pandora (usually either Christian Contemporary or Florence & the Machine Radio), and the perfect song came on to complement my mood or answer a question I was pondering. I feel blessed to have this connection through music, as I have practiced and loved the art of dance since I was three years old. In situations where I feel particularly connected to a song, I will listen to it repeatedly and do whatever movement feels natural. It is through this mind-body connection that I can truly feel the presence of the Spirit. As Romans 1:20 states, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made so that people are without excuse.”

Since having this realization, I have tried to be more in tune to these moments and live mindfully through them. I always thank God for the beauty of the world He created and for how He uses the world around me and the things that I love to guide me. I pray that I can continue to trust in His plan and find joy in these special moments - that I will be without excuse. I wonder how God reveals himself to others and if they feel a similar connection to whatever place or activity that brings them peace. If you feel so inclined, comment below and share how God reveals himself to you!


Lisa Replogle has had a long, ever-changing journey in her relationship with Christ, and she is excited to share what she has learned along the way. She is a certified early childhood and special education teacher and currently teaches high school multiple disability support. She spends her time outside the classroom sharing her passion for dance with local groups for individuals with special needs. Lisa and her husband are the parents of six-year-old identical twin boys. 


Small groups are a great place to ask questions, grow in your faith, and build connections with other women no matter your age or stage of life. Our fall women’s groups (in person and online) will be starting in September, and we invite you to join us. 

  • For a list of our fall studies and to register, click here

  • Learn more about our studies by attending the events below.  


August 26, 2021, 6:30 - 8:30pm, Kennett Campus 

Join us for an evening of Zumba, games and refreshments. All skill levels are welcome. If you’ve never heard of Zumba -- come and learn! If you don’t want to Zumba -- come and watch (we guarantee it will be entertaining)! If you’re a Zumba expert -- come and show off your skills! Register here to join the fun! REGISTER HERE


August 29, 2021, 10:30 - 11:45am, Jennersville Campus

Come meet some new friends and reconnect with others over breakfast, as we learn what Willowdale Jennersville has planned for women this fall. Register here to join the fun!