Is It Your Turn?

Why do I have a passion to volunteer?  I had struggled with depression and thought about suicide in the past.  My battle was difficult, but God had a plan for me that brought me into Christian community.  

If you don’t know my story, please read my past blog

There are so many good reasons why I have been a small group leader in Bible studies and MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) over the past four to five years at Willowdale Chapel.  I have since taken on different coordinator roles in MOPS.  While it’s a real treat to have my kids watched for a few hours and to sometimes get a free meal, it is so much more than that! So let me dig a little deeper…

How It Started

I began Bible study in a women’s group when I was home with my first born after receiving a simple invitation from an acquaintance.  I started attending MOPS when my second was born and my first was two years old. 

In addition to the personal invitations, I have realized that it was my passion for community and fellowship – a common interest, love, and for MOPS, a stage in life – that led me to join these groups.  MOPS was where I found other women going through the same joys, experiences, and struggles.  It was a place to vent and seek advice. In Bible studies, I grew in my faith, found great friends, and now love these groups!  The Bible tells us in Hebrews 10: 24-25, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the bit of doing, but encouraging one another…” Let us be together in love, goodness, and encouragement!

How It’s Going

Learning, growth, and prayer is how it all remains.  Bible studies have taught and continue to teach me so much about God, His Word, and how I should be living.  It is a constant reminder to stay focused on God and what His plan is for me. And it allows me to know His glory and expectations through stories and statements. In MOPS I get to hear testimonies from other mothers who have seen Jesus work in their lives.  They help guide and remind us that our story is forming and wonderfully written.    

We should seek to read the Bible, learn on a Sunday morning, and join Bible studies.  In John 5:39 Jesus states, “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life.  These are the very Scriptures that testify about me.”  This verse has helped me see that reading the Bible teaches us about Jesus, God’s good deeds, and moreover, the way God desires us to live!  

To finish, I dig deeper into why I serve as a leader.  Honestly, I started leading because I was asked.  I knew these women’s groups were important to me to continue and focus on in my life, so why not?  Now I know I do it because it’s my passion and mission. I want to help provide the same opportunity to others.  I want to show others the love I was shown and to help them grow in God, alongside me. It is my turn.  I get to plant a seed with a welcoming smile.  I get to water the mound with love and accountability.  I get to share my story.  I get to help spread the Word of God.  I get to be His light and shine His glory!  And please do not misinterpret.  I am no expert.  I have much to learn!  I am here to say we are not alone, we are never alone.

God drew me to lead in these two groups I am fortunate to be a part of.  As a former teacher and coach, I have the background and skills to do such.  But maybe leading a group is not for you.  We have lots of serving opportunities within Willowdale Chapel!  

I recently heard a talk in MOPS that touched on volunteering and how to find your calling.  I liked the three ways to help search:

  1. Find what you are passionate about.

  2. Find what works for your family and/or stage of life.

  3. Find what works for your skills/ability.

We are told in Ephesians 6:7-8, “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.”  

I challenge you, if you are not already serving, to find a place to serve in your community!  

I also challenge you to find a group and become part of a transformative community!  We recently started our fall women’s Bible studies and MOPS at Willowdale Chapel, and it is not too late to join!  We have a spot for you! Learn more here and check out our video from our recent women's brunch.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez


A former teacher, coach and personal trainer, Kristin Ryan now loves being a stay-at-home mom. As someone who has more recently found Christianity, she enjoys learning and growing in her faith and is excited to share her experience with others. Kristin and her husband, Casey, have three small children (one was born during the pandemic) and one big dog.


  • Want to read more blogs written by Kristin? Just click here or her name at the top of the page. 

  • Our ARCHIVES page includes five years of blogs sorted by topic.