
“This Much but No More”

“This Much but No More”

The question hit me like cold water on the face, “Where have I said to God, ‘This much, but no more’?” Where have I stopped short in trying to live a godly life? I was reading 2 Kings 10, (admittedly a pretty violent chapter) about Jehu, King of Israel, who killed the wicked King Ahab and his beautiful but evil wife Jezebel. He then purged the country of all the priests and prophets of Baal. Jehu was on the right track to point his country back to God. 

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In the Weeds

In the Weeds

I was recently involved in a community service project that involved clearing an overgrown part of a backyard. It looked like an impossible task, but I gamely put on my gloves and went to work. As I got started I realized how easy it was to pull off the top of the weeds. And aesthetically that looked pretty nice. You couldn’t really tell that the root was still there. It was a little bumpy, but overall, it would have been easy to dust the dirt off my hands and say, “Good enough.”