Songs to Lift the Spirit

Music, unlike anything else in my life, has always been a way for me to process and express emotions. As an 8 on the Enneagram and an ENTJ on Myers Briggs, (if you’re not familiar, basically I’m the heartless ruthless type. Kidding…or am I?) expressing my emotions doesn’t come easily, so music has been vital to me throughout life as I’ve been able to find songwriters who not only express what I’m feeling but help me identify it. I’m so thankful God gave us music to help us worship, help us understand, and help us capture the depth and range of this life.

The past couple of months I’ve been enjoying several of my favorite current musical artists’ live concerts and videos on social media. Mumford & Sons has been doing Friday hangouts with fans on Instagram, other artists have been doing tutorials on how to play their songs, or just simply uploading some recordings of them singing some of their songs.

Your musical taste might differ from mine, but even if none of these suggestions below resonate with you, hopefully you can take some time to discover new music or rediscover music you’ve loved in the past to help you identify, acknowledge, and embrace the range of emotions we’re all feeling these days.

Drew and Ellie Holcomb are some of my favorites so let’s start with them:

When you feel alone:

Ellie Holcomb released “Constellations” this month and it is, in my opinion, probably her best song to date. Written for the dark times in our lives, these lyrics hit home during the pandemic:

“Out here in the dark

Underneath a canopy of stars

Constellations falling from Your heart

Tell me that I'm not alone,

Cause honestly I'm so alone,

So promise me I'm not alone

When I felt the light of the moon on my face

The Memory of sun that'd been shining for days

You've already been in this desolate place

You've already been here and You've made a way

Pinpricks of glory strung out across the sky

Memories of darkness undone by the light

Reminding me you are right here by my side

You're here by my side

You're here by my side”

Lecrae also has a great song from a few years back with Tori called “I’ll Find You.”

Kelly called “I’ll Find You”

For time with children:

Ellie Holcomb also has two wonderful children’s albums, “Sing: Remembering Songs” and “Sing: Creation Songs.”

A favorite for my toddlers is “Wherever I Go” (or in our current situation….wherever we stay!)

When you aren’t sure what to feel:

Yo-Yo Ma is my favorite cellist, and he’s been posting beautiful tribute performances throughout the pandemic.

See them here: Facebook

For a concert or date night at home:

Several musical artists have been doing live stream concerts throughout the quarantine and Drew and Ellie Holcomb’s next one is this Sunday, May 17 on Facebook and Instagram.

Check them out here: Facebook or Instagram

When you need a laugh:

Dave Barnes is a singer songwriter most well known for the song “God Gave Me You” which was recorded by Blake Shelton a few years back. But if you need a laugh, his Instagram feed is full of daily ridiculous videos he creates. Emphasis on ridiculous. I personally have “I’m a workout cat” stuck in my head often (see his April 9 post). He’s also been doing some live hangouts and performing songs so keep an eye out for those. Take a look here: Instagram

When you miss corporate worship:

A friend of mine who lives in London shared this one with me, and I’ve been really enjoying videos from choirs and groups during this time when I can’t worship in person with a group of other believers: The UK blessing

This Cover of "Is He Worthy" by Andrew Peterson

This song makes me cry nearly every time I hear or sing it.

When it gets to "He is," I lose it!

And this one of "In Christ Alone"

I grew up in choirs, so this arrangement reminds me of those days. And this truth that "sin's curse has lost its grip on me" is something I'll never tire of hearing.

Other Worship:

Redeemer by Nicole C. Mullen – this one never gets old! YouTube

Our very own Willowdale Music team’s account on Instagram keeps us encouraged and connected as a local body: Instagram

When you’re angry and frustrated at the world around you:

Ok back to the Holcombs for this last one (I promise this isn’t a paid promo for them….I’ve just been listening to them a lot these days!) They teamed up with some of my other favorites, Johnnyswim, for this anthem –“Ring the Bells.” I’ve been singing this one in the wake of the Ahmaud Arbery murder and when thinking about the divisive politics seeping through the pandemic. 

“Ring the bells, this time I mean it

Bid the hatred fare thee well

Give back the pieces of my Jesus

Take your counterfeit to hell”

For the dance party:

Sometimes, even in the midst of a pandemic, life can be good and fun. Consider this one for your at-home dance party: Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell – “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.”

So crank it up, soak it in, and enjoy God’s gift of music to us.


Originally from Georgia, Mary Beth Gombita is a lover of sweet tea, a proud Georgia Bulldog and an avid music fan. She works in public relations, running her own communications consulting business from home. Mary Beth and her husband, Stephen, have two sons who are both toddlers. She is currently the editor of our Willowdale Women blogs.


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