Hitting Reset

I have to be honest. I woke up the last couple of days in a funk. I feel like I’ve been running in a hamster wheel and keep waking up like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. I’m fortunate that nothing is going wrong in my life: my husband and I both have jobs, my relationships are good, we have stayed healthy during this pandemic.

But I talked to my husband and asked him, “How can I live a fuller life during this mundane time?” He asked me if I have been faithful in my daily time in the Bible. Well no. Have you been doing your daily walks around the neighborhood? No, I stopped that. He pointed out that I missed Bible study as well. 

Friends, we cannot afford to miss out on what fills us the most. Without Christ, we are nothing. Our church is studying the Fruit of the Spirit this summer, but because I haven’t been consistently spending time with the Lord, of course I am not feeling joy or peace, and I am certainly lacking patience. I need what matters most to be driving my day. It happened so quickly, too. A few days out of the routine took a big effect, which I guess is why it’s called Spiritual Discipline. We have to keep at it. 

I am writing this to encourage you to stay the course. Stay constant with what matters. Don’t get caught up in Netflix. Be in the Word of God. Stay connected to the people that encourage you to draw close to Him. Blare your worship music and draw close to heaven. Pray.

You’re blessed when you stay on course,    walking steadily on the road revealed by God.
You’re blessed when you follow his directions,    doing your best to find him.

Psalm 119: 1-2

The Message 

I needed my most trusted confidant to remind me to stay the course. Find someone to help you if you happen to be in this place, too. There is always grace for us to step right back in sync with him. 

If you are not sure where to begin, Willowdale has given us a wonderful outline to memorize scripture and meditate on the fruit of the Spirit. It is a great place to start!

Click here for Fruit of the Spirit.




Susan Veenema has been in education for almost 20 years supporting children with disabilities and their families and currently works for the Department of Education. She and her husband, Jeremy, love exploring Chester County with their two older biological daughters and three foster children. People are her passion.




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