His Words Matter More

I’m not going to lie, writing the blog for the week before Christmas seems like a lot of pressure. I feel the need to come up with something memorable; something that ignites your holiday spirit and leaves you with warm fuzzies, a renewed sense of peace and goodwill, and a deeper understanding of Jesus’s love for you. Something that makes you laugh out loud and blink back tears at the same time. Something you’ll want to share with all your friends and family members and that stranger at the grocery store who looks like they could use some cheering up.

As a writer, I think a lot about my words, probably (definitely) too much. I think about what other people are thinking about them. I worry that someday, somehow, I’m going to lose them. I wait until the night before a blog post is due to start writing it because I just can’t bring myself to face the blank page and the blinking cursor.

For the record, I’m typing this in the notes app on my phone with over 48 hours until this blog post is due, so I count that as a win. I’m also currently procrastinating on editing an article that’s due at midnight.

So I’m brushing my teeth at 11 p.m. on a Monday night, wondering what on earth I can write about for a church blog post that comes out three days before Christmas, arguably the biggest Christian holiday of the year…and it occurs to me.

My words aren’t as important as I think they are.

Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful every day that God made me a writer. He knew speaking words aloud would sometimes be hard for me, so it was very kind of Him to give me another way to communicate. And also, I just really like it.

But when I get caught up thinking that I need to write something good enough for people to remember and comment on and save to their phones (and immediately forget about it so it stays unread in their bookmarks for years, like mine do), that’s when the Holy Spirit gently reminds me that, at the end of the day…or year…or century…my words don’t really matter all that much.

His do. 

So on this December morning — or whenever you happen to be reading this – instead of reading any more of my words, here’s what I want you to do.

I want you to find time today to make a warm beverage of choice, then find your favorite blanket, candle, or soothing Christmas song (or all of the above) and open your Bible up to Luke 1–2:21. Spend as long as you’d like there, soaking in the words your Father wrote just for you: the story of how the living Word chose to wrap Himself in human flesh so He could be wrapped in cloth by human hands, first as a baby and then as a dead man who didn’t stay dead, who breathed life back into His own lungs so He could breathe hope back into our weary world. 

After you finish reading you can spend time sharing your own words with Him, words that won’t be perfect, just as mine never will be, but He’ll listen to them with a smile on His face anyway. Or, if you’re in a quieter mood, you can sit in silence for a while and let His words to you — and the Word Himself — be enough.

Because He is always enough.


Kati Lynn Davis grew up in Chester County. After a brief stay on the other side of Pennsylvania to earn a writing degree from the University of Pittsburgh, she returned to the area and got a job working for a local library. When she isn’t writing, Kati enjoys reading, drawing, watching movies (especially animated ones!), drinking bubble tea, hanging out with her family cat, and going for very slow runs.

Kati is pretty sure she’s an Enneagram 4 but is constantly having an identity crisis over it, so thankfully she’s learning to root her sense of self in Jesus.


Join us for our Christmas Eve Services at our Jennersville Campus and Kennett Campus. We encourage you to consider inviting family, friends and neighbors to join you.

December 23, 7:00 pm

December 24, 1:00, 3:00 and 5:00 pm

Childcare is available for children from Birth - PreK for all services except Dec. 24 at 5 pm.