Are We Good Enough?

A message I’ve repeatedly heard on social media, in written commentary pieces, and even in talks from Christian leaders is that “you are enough”, while some even take it further to say “you are good enough.” 

When taken with a grain of salt, I understand the message that we don’t have to perform up to someone else’s standard to be worthy of love – we are “enough” just as we are. But, even as I type that it still doesn’t sit right with me, because I see the sin in my heart, thoughts, and actions and I don’t see them as a qualifier or disqualifier for me to be loved. 

If we look at it from a moral perspective, being “good enough” implies that there is a standard, and scripture puts forward a clear moral standard for us: perfection. So are we good enough to meet that standard? 

As they often do, songs I play my children bring home the truth succinctly. This time it’s “Only Jesus” by Shai Linne.

“Adam wasn’t good enough
Noah wasn’t good enough
Abram wasn’t good enough
It’s only Jesus
Isaac wasn’t good enough
Jacob wasn’t good enough
Joseph wasn’t good enough
It’s only Jesus
Moses wasn’t good enough
Joshua wasn’t good enough
Samuel wasn’t good enough
It’s only Jesus
David wasn’t good enough
Daniel wasn’t good enough
Jonah wasn't good enough
It’s only Jesus”

Adam followed Eve’s choice to rebel against God and was cut off from the Garden of Eden. 

Noah embarrassed himself while drunk and ended up cursing his grandson in the fallout of that situation. 

Abram decided to play God instead of walking in obedience.

Isaac lied to the king saying his wife was his sister.

Jacob deceived Isaac and stole his brother’s inheritance.

Joseph’s sins aren’t really evident in the biblical account of his life – but was he good enough?

Moses committed murder.

Joshua had some moments of questioning God’s promise.

Samuel led God’s people faithfully and committed his life to serving the Lord – but was he good enough?

David let lust control his mind and actions ending in the death of an innocent man. 

Daniel stood up to Nebuchadnezzar and faced death for the Lord, but still writes that he confessed his own sins – was he good enough?

Jonah refused to follow God’s instructions and was a reluctant missionary.

Of course, these one-line examples do not account for the entirety of these men’s lives. Many of them are esteemed by the Lord throughout scripture and are great encouragements to us of how to live faithfully to the Lord, confessing and facing our sins and moving on to continue to pursue God’s plan. 

But only Jesus was good enough to not require additional sacrifice of atonement. Only Jesus’s sacrifice covers all our failures and rebellion. 

Mary Beth wasn’t good enough (not even close). 

It’s good news that I’m not good enough because I never can be by the standard of Jesus’s perfection except that God chooses to look on Jesus Himself and see His righteousness instead of my sin. What grace!

Shall I go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means. (Romans 6:1) While I’ll never be good enough, I don’t flee all goodness because I lack perfection. Instead, I get to become more and more like Jesus – more good – the longer I walk with the Lord. But never good enough, because only Jesus is. 

“I am far worse than I imagine and more loved and accepted by God than I ever dared to hope.” Tim Keller


Originally from Georgia, Mary Beth Gombita is a lover of sweet tea, a proud Georgia Bulldog and an avid music fan. She works in public relations, running her own communications consulting business from home. Mary Beth and her husband, Stephen, have two young sons. She is currently the editor of our Willowdale Women blog.