God's goodness

Do I Have the Strength to Rejoice?

Do I Have the Strength to Rejoice?

Life can feel so heavy. Whether you are listening to the news, talking to a friend or just living in the midst of your exhausting day to day, there can be a lot to be discouraged about. For me, I am in a transition season at work and have had difficult conversations with my adopted children’s birth parents lately. It has drained me emotionally. If I am honest, some days I can get to the end of my rope. Does that sound at all familiar to any of you?

Why Do We Doubt?

Why Do We Doubt?

I do not doubt that God exists or that He loves me. The doubt I struggle with is the doubt that niggles its way into my mind in the quiet moments of life. It’s not even a doubt that God CAN do the impossible, it’s just that I doubt that He will. I go to God with my prayer requests and lay them at his feet but I sometimes doubt that his answer is best. When I pray, I hate to admit it, but I sometimes assume the outcome I least desire is what will happen -- kind of a “Murphy’s law” of prayer.